COP29 人物聚焦|AGRA 主席暨氣候冠軍全球大使阿格尼絲·卡利巴塔博士:改造糧食系統,讓應對氣候挑戰及社會韌性更進一步
AGRA(African led and...
Ben Cheng, 《The Icons》的業務開發經理。透過資訊分享、交流合作,推動各界領袖共同努力,為人類社會及地球環境創造更美好的未來。我們的願景是成為連結世界各地領導人的重要橋樑,引領全球朝向更永續、包容、公平的方向前進。讓我們一起為可持續發展而努力,因為每一個小行動都能改變世界!與我們一起追求永續目標,開創未來的綠色篇章!
Ben Cheng, Business Development Manager at 《The Icons》, drives collaboration among leaders across various sectors through information sharing and partnership initiatives, fostering collective efforts for a brighter future for humanity and the environment. Our vision is to become a vital bridge connecting leaders worldwide, guiding the global community towards a more sustainable, inclusive, and equitable future. Let’s strive together for sustainable development, knowing that even the smallest actions can change the world! Join us in pursuing sustainability goals and shaping a green future for generations to come!
AGRA(African led and...
11 月 22 日至 29 日,全球最受...
索尼集團創立於 1946 年,在二戰結束...
隨著阿塞拜疆成功擔任 COP 29 主辦...